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Tyler West Higgins M. Ed.

Credentialed Teacher, B.F.A., Masters in Educational Leadership. Tutor, Advocate and Parent.

My intuitive, experienced and loving approach will provide insight, and support for your child’s learning styles in order for them to be successful within daily academic and social environments.

I advocate for adolescents and their families by assessing current skills, then identifying and teaching the supports needed to be successful in academic and social settings.

Whether it’s reading and comprehension support, writing development, or assistive and creative technology, I can help you better understand the right path for your child’s needs.

As a Ca. Credentialed school teacher with over 16 years of teaching experience in the San Francisco Bay Area, I offer adolescent support, coaching services, and specialized tutoring to work with you and your child. I support both neurodiverse or neurotypical adolescents.  

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Academic & Social Emotional Support Services

Reading & Comprehension 

Targeted 1:1 instruction to increase fluency, accuracy, literal and inferential comprehension and confidence when reading.


Providing effective strategies to write descriptively through elaboration with proper grammar and punctuation. Utilize their interests to build their skills.

Creative Technologies

Bridging the gap by strengthening creative technology skills to use as a tool for learning. I harness their love of video games to build a love for academics.

Mentorship & Coaching

Supporting parent and adolescent, seperately, and then together, to navigate youth independence, parent support and detachment, and nurture a positive growth mindset

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Home: Testimonials

"Tyler really gets kids. She works hard to figure them out quickly, so she can best provide the skills they need to feel successful in the classroom.  Then teaches those skills in a loving supportive way. My child learned more than academics when working with her- he learned how to stop, be mindful, and redirect when needed.  Tyler is talented. She is a gift and a ray of sunshine!"

Contact Me Today

Call for a free initial consultation.
Get the support you need, and the guidance that is so hard to find when navigating the right pathways for .your adolescent


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